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Anything the Italians can do, the Greeks can do worse!!

If you've read my Risotto recipe, you'll be aware that I am not a fan. Well, the Greeks make a dish to rival it. KRITHARAKI.

Kritharaki is the pasta they use to replace the rice (it strongly resembles rice, being a little longer and flatter).

Like Risotto, there is nothing wrong with the taste, in fact I would say that it is even tastier than Risotto. The problem is that it has a texture that lies somewhere between frog spawn and slime, with the awful gelatinous sensation similar to tapioca and snot.

The two best things about Kritharaki are; the taste (which is not a small point in it's favour), and the fact that no-one can force you to make it again!

So, if you want the recipe for the Greek pasta version, of the Italians sloppy version, of a proper paella, here we go!!


200gr cooked chicken;

250gr kritharaki pasta;

1ltr chicken stock;

75gr grated cheese of your choice;

a variety of vegetables of your choice (I've used carrots, celery, turnip, swede, leek, and a red bell pepper);

Salt, pepper and olive oil.

You can add onions and chopped garlic to this list if you like, but I suspect they would dominate the dish a little.


1)Clean, peel and chop the vegetables;

2)Place the chopped vegetables into a med/large pan, to gently fry in a tablespoon of olive oil, with salt and pepper;

3)In a separate pan, bring the stock to the boil, then reduce the flame, and leave to simmer;

4)After about 5min. when the vegetables start to soften, add the kritharaki and the cooked chicken;

5)Stir well, and continue gently frying for a further 3-5min, stirring regularly to ensure that the pasta doesn't stick to the pan;

6)Add 2-3 ladles of the hot stock, and stir occasionally whilst the pasta absorbs the stock;

7)Repeat the operation until the pasta is cooked and there is still a little stock to be absorbed;

8)Add the grated cheese of your choice. I used mozzarella as it is pretty well neutral;

9)Stir the cheese into the pasta, then allow to rest before serving.

It is a good idea to reserve a little hot stock, and add it to the dish just before serving, especially if you want it to ooze sauce onto your plate.


Food that looks like it's been slopped onto a plate is just not my thing, although I have to admit, it is certainly a tasty dish.

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