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Tagliatelle with bacon and mushrooms

Really, really easy way to make a delicious pasta dish.

No more than twenty minutes from start to finish.

You don't need any particular skills, just a few basic ingredients, and a good appetite.

Ideal for a summer lunch, but just as good on a cold winter's night.


a tray of mushrooms,

1 onion,

4 rashers of bacon,

250ml single cream,

salt, pepper, olive oil,

a stock cube,

200gr tagliatelle.


1)Peel and dice the onion, slice the bacon, then place both in a frying-pan on a slow flame, to gently fry in a tablespoon of olive oil;

2)Clean the mushrooms using kitchen roll, and quarter them. Never wash mushrooms, they absorb the liquid and lose their taste!

Rumour has it that some people peel them, well, if you have nothing better to do, go ahead and peel them.

3)Whilst the onion and bacon fry, bring a pan of salted water to the boil, and add the tagliatelle, simmering according to the manufacturers instructions.

I used Basil infused Tagliatelle on this occasion. They required 8 min cooking and I'd like to say that they had a delicate taste of basil. I'd like to, but I can't, they tasted exactly like normal tagliatelle. They were however green!

4)When the onion starts to turn transparent (5-6min), crumble the stock-cube* over the top, give it a stir, and then add the mushrooms;

*I prefer to use a chicken stock cube for this recipe, although a vegetable one would be perfectly acceptable. A meat stock cube gives too strong a taste.

5)Once the mushrooms have browned (2-3min),add the cream, stir and continue to cook a further 2-3 minutes.

6)Strain the tagliatelle;

7)SERVE !!

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