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Spaghetti with Meatballs

How to make a really good Spaghetti with meatballs?

It's easy! You just need a few basic ingredients, a little patience, and great meatballs.

The ingredients I can explain to you, the meatballs are a doddle, but the patience you are going to have to add yourself.

Have a go, it is so worth the trouble.

After-all, who hasn't got an hour to make great-tasting food?


1/2 tin finely chopped tomatoes,

1 large ripe tomato,

3 cloves of garlic,

meatballs (aka taste-bombs),


salt, pepper, sugar, olive oil, and oregano.


1)Peel the garlic and the onion, then slice the onion in half. Grate half of the onion, and the garlic, and place them into a hot pan, on a medium/low flame, with a generous drizzle of olive oil (2 tablespoons). Cover, and gently fry. You do not want to brown them.

2)Dice the remaining half of the onion and add it to the pan, with a pinch, no more, of salt.

3)Whilst the onion and garlic gently fry, grate the ripe tomato. DO NOT grate the skin, throw it in the bin, you do not want bits of skin in your sauce.

4)Once the onion starts to become transparent, add the tinned and grated tomato, a teaspoon of sugar, a little pepper, and a generous amount of oregano. DON'T ADD SALT AT THIS STAGE!

5)Stir well, then add the meatballs*, and simmer, for at least 40 minutes. It is IMPORTANT that you stir the sauce regularly throughout the 40+ minutes.

The sauce will thicken whilst it gently reduces, and absorbs all the flavours of the meatballs.

*the recipe for the meatballs (aka taste-bombs) is on the TRICKS AND TECHNIQUES page. They are really easy, so have a go, make your own!

5)Fifteen minutes prior to the sauce being ready, bring a large pan of salted water to the boil, add the spaghetti, and gently boil until "al dente".

6)This is a good time to taste for salt. I doubt you will need to add any, but it is always best to check.

7)When the spaghetti is "al dente" drain it, don't rinse it, just serve it piping hot with lashings of sauce and meatballs.

7)I grate a little cheese over the sauce, and sprinkle a little poppy seed over the spaghetti, but that is very much optional.

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