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Gnocchi with mushrooms and bacon

This is a really easy and fast way to prepare a delicious dish with your home-made gnocchi.

If you haven't made your own gnocchi, take a look at my "MASH" page, but don't worry, if you don't fancy making your own, this dish is delicious with fresh or frozen gnocchi, and just as easy to make.


gnocchi (approx 14 per person),

4 rashers of bacon,

1 onion,

a tray of mushrooms of your choice,

a spoonful of plain flour,

250ml single cream,

salt, olive oil,

poppy seeds (optional).


1)Cut the bacon into strips and dice the onion, then gently fry them in a tablespoon of olive oil ( a mixture of olive oil and butter gives the dish an interested touch) in a covered frying-pan (about 8min.). Add a little salt in order to make the onions sweat, and therefore avoid browning.

2)Whilst the onions and bacon are frying, clean* and cut the mushrooms into quarters.

*It is best to clean the mushrooms with a brush or by rubbing them with kitchen roll, washing them is not recommended as mushrooms absorb liquids very quickly, and water will reduce the intensity of their taste.

3)When the onions become transparent, add the chopped mushrooms to the pan and continue gently frying.

4)Once the mushrooms begin to take colour add the flour, stir well, ensuring that the flour is evenly distributed over the mushrooms, and allow to fry for about a minute, then add the single cream and stir well. Depending on the thickness of the sauce you desire, you may want to add a little milk.

5)When your sauce achieves the thickness you desire, remove the pan from the flame, cover, and allow to rest whilst you prepare the gnocchi.

6)Pop the gnocchi into a medium/large pan with ample boiling water. Boil until they float to the top of the water, at which point they are ready (about 3 min.).

THAT'S IT! All that is left is to serve. Sprinkling a little poppy seed over the top adds a subtle salty touch, as well as being pleasantly decorative.


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