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Pizza bread

Pizza Bread is a favourite of the whole family. Easy to make, tasty, and ideal for using up those bits of food that you have in the fridge.

All you need is a good tomato base and a tasty grated cheese. The rest is up to your imagination, limited only by what you have available.

The tomato base should be simple. I've used a pinch of paprika, but you can add anything you like, a touch of barbecue sauce, pepper, ground garlic,

Tabasco, soya sauce, whatever. But, remember to keep it simple, DON'T over-elaborate, and don't be heavy handed with the quantities you add to the tomato!


2 baguettes,

1/2 tin of chopped tomato,

4 slices of cheese,

4 slices of ham,

4 rashers of bacon,

8 slices of chorizo,

grated cheese,

salt, sugar, olive oil, oregano

and paprika.


1)Place the tomato in a bowl with, 2 spoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, a pinch of paprika, and a spoonful of oregano.

Emulsify the mixture (basically, blend the ingredients together). To emulsify, is to combine liquids that, due to their characteristics, would not combine naturally.

2)Slice the baguettes in half, and remove the centres*, making boat-like shapes. Then apply a liberal amount of the tomato sauce to them.

*place the breadcrumbs in a resealable bag, and store for making dumplings later.

3)Cut the cheese, ham and chorizo in half and the bacon in strips.

Then simply start to place them onto the bread, sprinkling oregano over them to finish.

The bacon should be the last of the ingredients to apply, as it requires a greater exposure to the heat in order to cook.

4)Place them into a preheated oven at 200°c for 10-15 min, depending on how you prefer your pizza.

That's it! Take them out of the oven and get stuck in!

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